cyril's language

In these pages you will be able to read all about Cyril to see why he was so special to his family and friends.

cyril coconut duncan

Read Cyril's Biography. Click on the 'Biography' coconut.

Cyril's sister, Genevieve, has written a wonderful account of family life growing up throughout the years - Click on the 'early years' coconut.

In 'cyril's language' you will find 'Growing up in Ireland' - written by Cyril on 14th September 2004 giving a wonderful insight into the world of Cyril as a child. E-mails features corresponence from Cyril to his friend Caitriona, and of course a little insight into Cyril's own special way with words and language.

During his travels he took many wonderful and interesting photos. Click on the 'travels' coconut to see them.


cyril's association with thailand

© Cyril Duncan Siam Children's Foundation
Copyright Notice: All work is copyright of Cyril Duncan Siam Children's Foundation

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